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Ad management software

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I have a web site that gets a lot of traffic and I think I can sell ad space on it. Is there such a thing as ad management software to help me accompl

Ad management software

Ad management software helps you track traffic and click-through rates and is an important part of all shopping cart applications. Customers want proven data before purchasing ad space from you and you want information about the success or failure of your ad campaigns. Ad tracking software helps online publishers and marketers provide prospective customers with the data they need. Ad management software can be hosted by someone else, running on their servers, or you can purchase software to run on your own servers. Hosted solutions offer the convenience of a shorter ramp-up time, so you can start your online ad tracking campaign almost immediately. Locally run services offer you more options, but require more of your time (or an employee's time) to manage, configure, and monitor. Geographical targeting, revenue tracking, and real-time reporting are important features to look for in your ad management software.



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