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What features should I look for in an online payment gateway?

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What features should I look for in an online payment gateway?

What features should I look for in an online payment gateway?

When processing an ecommerce gateway payment, your online payment gateway performs in the background, so the critical factors may be easily overlooked. First, make sure it is compatible with the online shopping cart software you have chosen. You should also make sure it offers the ability to verify billing addresses of the credit cards used for online payment processing. This helps reduce fraud and may in fact lower the discount rate, the rate the bank charges you for processing credit cards, since it helps reduce their risk as well. See if they have any special anti-fraud options available, although these may cost you a premium. But for high value items, it may be worthwhile to you. In general, make sure you understand all the charges you will be responsible for, as they can add up and be substantial.



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